Here's dad restraining the rosehip bushes in our side yard; that's the Haines Harbor behind him.
I've been hired as production assistant at KHNS, the local radio station. Pretty cool, because I was planning to volunteer again anyway, so this will get me back on air-- with pay! I'll be putting together the weekend news segments and issuing program logs, etc. Look for my bio to appear here:, and I may try to podcast my shows, if I end up picking up some DJ shifts (and if a certain technologically enabled friend sends up the promised cable to run shows from my laptop-- hint).
Dr. Jones, the man who delivered me, has built an amazing golf course on the outskirts of town, between the Chilkat River and the Haines Highway. Nancy & Dwight took me out today, and Dr. Jones and his nicely freckled son Matt gave me a complimentary cart. It was fantastic. For a first-time golfer I kicked a little ass! And had one small temper tantrum along that damned 6th hole, but it was hard to be a sore loser with eagles wheeling close overhead and a different, perfect mountain range to look at in every direction.
Here I am shortly before the tantrum (you can sense a certain desperation in my eyes under the silly hat):
Siblings (and Rachel), because I'm pretty sure you are the only people reading at this point: I just wanted to let you know that I told Dwight we'd all gather here for his retirement party, whenever that should be. So count on that!
dang. Now I am a little homesick, thanks for the pics.
Hi you. Just got back from Shanghai. Production Asst at KHNS! That is sweeet. Loads better than the 'ol MM. And it looks luverly on a resume. Perhaps you will go into radio. Podcast...oh my. We are getting techie. I downloaded my first podcast a month ago when my friend's radio piece got picked for an award. So I know how to listen.
Thanks for updating your blog. It's a nice way to stay in touch. I've been neglecting mine but now I'm back. Say hello to the crows for me.
Ooo, envy. Today I was in Seatac on my way back from a visit to the trio of little kiddies in Texas, and I was strongly tempted to just buy myself a ticket to Juneau instead of getting on the bus back to Queen Anne, but I restrained myself. I thought the least I could do was come back here and pick up my hiking boots.
Alternatively, I could buy myself a ticket to Shanghai . . .
Or maybe I'll just be sensible and stay here.
Why is the font on your blog so small, by the way?
Juneau or Shanghai. Quite a choice, Huar. I just spent four days in the latter location, but the friend I was accompanying only wanted to shop. I tried to steer her toward temples and museums but no, she only wanted to see the maze of dirt-cheap kitsch shops surrounding Yu Yuan. At least I did drag her to the Bund at night, where she promptly bought light-up devil's horns and flashy half-rollerskates from a street vendor.
Tricho, when you have a more reliable net connection, you should start replying to your comments. It's fun!
Hello, all! I miss you, too, Davina! Carl, you really need to come up and visit. Lenora, thanks for the tip and I shall endeavor to network a little with my commenters, this being my first try. Thanks for commenting so much! Huar, how was your visit with Baby Ben? O so cute, is that baby.
PS. Does anyone with a blog here have any tips on uploading photos? When I try to do it via blogspot they only land at the front of each entry, not in the body. But resizing and uploading from Photobucket seems to crop them all wrong! Help...
when i used blogger it did the same thing with images, you just have to cut and paste the code where you want it, it's silly.
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