By the way, I love my job. I can't remember the last time I've been able to say that! Two days in and still training, but I can tell you the things that I love most about it already:
1) It's incredibly, impossibly laidback, even when frenzied. They're understaffed and underfunded, but the general "office" attitude is one of easy humor in the face of constant confusion-- people kicking their rain-booted feet up and shooting the amiable shit, the station dogs (Haylie and Oliver) running amok, DJs scrambling around the stacks pulling vinyl and cds at the last possible minute for their show in five minutes, visitors popping their heads in (totally ignoring the "on air" light) at all hours. The computer system is held together by duct tape and string, as all good office systems are, and crashes constantly. Everyone knows how to do everyone else's job out of necessity, so there is a very fluid dynamic between coworkers. There is not one single shred of office speak to be heard, anywhere, at any time. It's like heaven.
2) The stacks! So much music at my fingertips. One of my job duties is to review new cds whenever I can, take note of any obscenities, recommend favorite tracks for djs to play and afix my typewritten review to the case when I'm done. I get to play music critic!
3) I love working in that neighborhood, historic Fort Seward. The rambling old army houses date from the turn of the century and are a refreshing change from most of the other buildings in town, which usually follow a strict "function over form" aesthetic. The station is a 15 minute walk along Beach Road away from home, on a hill looking out over the Lynn Canal. Again, it's not unlike heaven.
Check back in July when I'm sure to be jaded and frazzled (the pledge drive is going to be nuts), but right now I'm the very picture of contentment:
That was taken out at Battery Point, on a hike with the parents and Ron & Suzie. First hike of the year, although it's stretching the truth a bit to call B.P. a hike-- it's just a pleasant jog through forest until you hit that first perfect curve of beach,
where there are usually whales and other sea life (we only saw one seal-- and a beach sprite in a hut).
We kept going over the initial bluff, past the second beach and what has to be the coolest outhouse in the world.
We went further than I'd ever been before, to a third beach all covered in driftwood .
We found some some good sitting rocks on a cliff partially shielded from the wind, and ate trail mix and sausage and passed around a flask of whiskey. And since I can't think of a way to end this post, as it's getting disgustingly smug and "aint life grand"-ish, I'll just close with a picture of mountains.
Whiskey, hmm? Wasn't it water we used to carry on these expeditions? Profligacy advances with age.
Ben is quite unstable at present; he mainly occupies himself with sitting up and then falling over and hitting his head and then sitting up again. But occasionally he takes a break from that to do some public defecation.
I know I was complaining about the appearance of your blog last time, but your very beautiful new floral background makes the text hard to read--perhaps you could make it paler, or something?
I second Huar's floral background allergy. But the pictures of mountains and driftwood make up for it.
Congratulations on your new job!! What a string to your bow. It sounds perfect for you.
I'll bring you back some Chinese alt-pop to play on the air.
Glad to hear you're enjoying the Haines life, free of office work, traffic, and uber hipsters. We're still hoping to visit this summer. Breath some clean air for me, but don't forget the scent of your favorite drawing pens!
Whoa, gorgeous. Glad to hear the new job is so good... a pleasant escape from the synergistic efficiencies of Salon. (-:
yay, Mumbles! good to see you. hello to your awesome wife!
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